See our home page for a fuller description of what Impact Stream is all about and what we've accomplished in our first pilot round.
TL;DR; We've helped people in Togo fund their top six voted projects for public goods. We initially raised $60k USD from friends and family, which allowed us to fund these projects. Projects #7 and #8 are the wells described above. We are partnering with Quirkies to make these projects come to life.
IMPORTANTLY, we have already built a well (Project #4) with the local entrepreneurs (who we know). Here are a couple recent videos of that process:
Therefore, we are EXCITED to partner with the Quirkies community for this special campaign to fund these two additional wells!
Please give via the form below and/or directly to impactstream.eth on Ethereum mainnet (ETH, USDC, or USDT preferred, but we'll happily accept any token you'd be willing to donate).